“Ogenkidesuka” is a Japanese phrase that, when translated to English, means “How are you?”. However, hidden within these words lies a hidden treasure – the term “Genki“, which represents wellness as well as the body’s vital energy. Grasping the significance of “Genki” is the gateway to understanding its pivotal role in our overall health and well-being.


In the realm of GenQi, we embrace the concept of Ancient Wisdom’s Vital Energy, often referred to as the GenQi theory. This theory suggests that “all illnesses arise from an imbalance in vital energy,” and “a lack of vital energy is considered a key factor in poor health.” We seamlessly integrate this age-old wisdom with the modern Western concept of Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT), which focuses on supporting the body’s natural cellular self-repair processes. Our approach is comprehensive, addressing both symptoms and underlying factors to promote overall well-being and preventive care. This is our brand promise, to always ensure your well-being when we ask, ‘Ogenkidesuka?’

About Genqi


To empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being through the fusion of genetics and nature’s wisdom.


To be a leader in holistic wellness, advocating for the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science to enhance the wellbeing of people.

Our Core Values

Holistic Wellness

GenQi is dedicated to promoting holistic wellness by combining the wisdom of Ancient Healing Practices and the science of Western medical technology. We believe in nurturing the balance between body, mind, and spirit to achieve overall well-being.

Outcomes and Efficacy

GenQi ensures the highest quality standards in its products, incorporating advanced technology and carefully selected ingredients to support noticeable benefits. Our dedication to quality ensures the satisfaction and trust of our customers.

Nature's Blessings

At GenQi, we utilise natural remedies and botanical resources to help facilitate healing and restoration. We are committed to providing products and services that work in harmony with the body to support the body’s innate healing processes.

Backed by Western &
Eastern Academic Experts

Dr. Nyiam Li Yi

  • Author of “GenQi” Philosophy book
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner in Canada, China, and Malaysia
  • TCM lecturer & conduct clinical studies at a Canadian college
  • Vice President of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Alumni Association in Malaysia
  • Mentored by nationally renowned Chinese traditional medicine practitioners
  • Extensively covered in media for her medical journey
  • Published over 10 academic papers

Dr. Yasumasa Kodo

  • President of the Spirulina Bio-lab.Co. Ltd. Osaka, Japan
  • Degree in Chemistry, Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan
  • Master’s Degree in Chemistry, University of California, US
  • PhD in Bio-Organic Chemistry, Oxford University, UK
  • Committee Member of Japan Health Food & Nutrition Food Association (JHNFA)
  • Board Member of CRN-Japan (Association of Dietary Supplement)

Mr Gerardo Gómez Barceló

  • Expert in Pharmaceutical Industry Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Master in Business & Marketing Management
  • International Sales Manager of Laboratories Quinton International
  • Key person in training and support to international customers on the benefits and use of seawater minerals

Francisco Coll

  • President of Quinton Laboratory
  • Over two decades of expertise in Marine Therapy
  • Distinguished International Speaker
  • Frequent guest on Radio and Television programs for interviews

Our Group of Companies

With over 28 years in product R&D, manufacturing, training, and customer experience, our group of companies has established an illustrious legacy of consistently delivering the finest products and services to our customers worldwide.

Global Headquarters

Our Global Headquarters holds great significance as Malaysia’s pioneering green building, boasting a GBI Gold certification. This 300,000 sq. ft. facility serves as a fully functional hub, featuring cutting-edge facilities for headquarters, event and training halls, global logistics and distribution, health supplement manufacturing, and research labs.

One-Stop Service Centre

The one-stop centre offers health, beauty, home appliances, and FMCG products all in one place, simplifying purchases for customers and facilitating product sharing for distributors with their clients.

Integrated Service Facility

The integrated facility, upholding professionalism, service, quality, and health, hosts Southeast Asia’s largest service and support team. We handle assembly, production, distribution, repairs, maintenance, and pre-and-post sales service, all under one roof.

Nutraceutical Manufacturing Arm

Our nutraceutical manufacturing plant covers a total area of 8,700 sq ft and is able to produce 5 billion tablets of spirulina, 100 million capsules, 22 million sachets of collagen and 9 million sachets of meal replacements annually. The plant received GMP certification in 2001, 2003 and 2014, HACCP and ISO certification, and is also recognised as a Halal facility.

Manufacturing Facility

The Manufacturing Facility designs, manufactures, and sells comprehensive solutions to clients, backed by dependable after-sales services. Our products reach global markets, including the USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, S.E.A., India, and more. The Manufacturing Facility is also recognised with the WQA Gold Seal from the Water Quality Association in the United States for its adherence to the highest level of industry standards.

Research Laboratory

Our research lab employs advanced genetics and genomics to offer actionable reports and solutions to our partners and consumers. The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory features the widely adopted Illumina Infinium HTS array, the research laboratory provides its clients with diverse analytical needs and services through its highly experienced and skilled scientific team.